March 22, 2022

Making computer-science fun again through gaming

Making computer-science fun again through gaming

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer

We live in a world that is dominated by technology. So much so, today’s high schoolers would have a hard time thriving in their future careers without some sort of grasp on the computer-science field.
In an ever-evolving society, the question is, how do teachers capture a student’s interest? For one Watford City High School teacher, she knew that if she made it fun, the rest would solve itself.
“The reason we started the computer-science class is to get kids excited without making them scared of computer-science,” says Kalsey Kronberg, Watford City High School Gaming and Design teacher.
Though computer-science can be intimidating, Kronberg says it doesn’t have to be. However, students do need to have a basic comprehension of math and algorithms, as well as analytical skills, in order to break things down.

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