April 16, 2024

Watford boys win two and lose six

Watford boys win two and lose six

By Titus Stenberg
Farmer Sports Writer

Watford City played eight games between Monday and Friday of last week. They won the first two games with a doubleheader sweep over Heart River on Monday. Tuesday, they traveled to Bismarck where they lost two games to Legacy. They returned home, where they got swept by Williston on Thursday and then dropped two games to Bismarck High on Friday.
“We have learned that we can play with anyone when we play the game the right way,” said Watford City head coach Pat Spacher. “Our ship is starting to turn and there is a lot to like about how we are playing the game at times. My assistants have done a great job making the players focus and getting them to reset when things aren't going well.”
Senior Judd Johnsrud is off to a great start, and is a leader in every aspect of the game. “Judd is our heartbeat and it is great to have a leader like that on your ballclub,” said Coach Spacher. “We have asked him to do a lot since he was in 7th grade and I cannot be more proud of his play on the field and his leadership of this fairly young team. We will continue to get better and continue to compete. This team will learn to win and we are going to surprise people in the coming weeks.”

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