Watford to elect new mayor on June 12
By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
Watford City voters will be electing a new city mayor in the June 12 city election.
Current Watford City Mayor Justin Voll decided not to seek re-election to that post and three candidates - Justin Johnsrud, Philip Riely and Gregg Schuetze - have stepped forward to fill that job.
Johnsrud, who is married and has two children, is the career and technical education teacher at Watford City High School and is the head football coach. Riely, who is married and has two children, is a Whiting Oil & Gas lease operator. Schuetze, who is married and has three children, is an electrician.
As part of the McKenzie County Farmer’s coverage for the June 12 Watford City city election, the newspaper posed several questions to the candidates on their views of the mayor’s position and what skills they would bring to the office.
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