Rains keep farmers from their fields
By Tina Foreman
Farmer Staff Writer
Recent rains have area farmers sidelined from their fields, but most are still optimistic for a good harvest. Most farmers throughout McKenzie County report being half finished with this year’s harvest before rain put a stop to things.
“I could have done without the rain. This time of year, rain just costs a person money,” says Phil Moen, an Arnegard farmer. “Until this rain, things had been going great.”
Farmers are reporting yields of 40 to 50 bushels per acre and steady prices, which is similar to last year’s great harvest.
“When you have a year like last year, having two years in a row with similar harvests is a good problem to have,” adds Owen Hamre, Watford City farmer. “It’s not very often that we have a couple of good years in a row, at least not in this area.”
Although things are looking good, area farmers aren’t without some concerns for the remainder of this year’s harvest.
“I’m a little concerned that the crop is breaking down, which will make it a little harder and slower to harvest,” says Hamre. “If you haven’t gotten your durum finished, then there is also the concern of it turning because of the rain.”
Heavy moisture in June and July also has farmers concerned about pigeon grass. Because of the extra moisture, the grass has started to come up in fields throughout the county.
“It’s been a good harvest so far. The nice weather makes this rain delay not so bad,” comments Hamre. “As long as we aren’t kept out of the fields too long, I think it will shape up to be a good overall harvest.”