January 24, 2017
Curling sweeps Watford City

By Jack Dura
Farmer Staff Writer
Jarrett Wold says anyone can curl.
And with the sport new to Watford City, everyone now has the opportunity.
“You don’t need to be young. You don’t need to be 6 feet tall and 200 pounds,” Wold, a curling board member, said. “You can curl as long as you can walk.”
With ice available for the sport adding another activity in winter, Wold said he hopes to help teach it to others in the area.
People like Cameron Quinn.
The Wyoming native new to Watford City from Williston saw the club’s call for curlers on Facebook, coming out Wednesday night, Jan. 11, for a change of pace.
“I thought it’d be something cool to see,” Quinn said.
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