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Phase I of the Theodore Roosevelt Expressway Corridor Study has been completed. The study was aimed at identifying transportation needs on area highways, including United States Highway 85 which runs between Williston and Grassy Butte.

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McKenzie County Public School District No. 1 ended the 2009-2010 school year with a little money left over.

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Thanks to continued growth in the energy sector, taxable sales in McKenzie County and Watford City continued to grow at a double digit clip in the first quarter of 2010 according to the figures released by the office of the North Dakota Tax Commissioner.

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A late night burglary resulted in extensive building damage to Larsen Service Drug as burglars, who failed to break into the rear door, used stronger force to gain admission to the Watford City Main Street business.

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s there oil or natural gas reserves under the old city landfill that, if developed, could bring some extra money to the Watford City city coffers? No one knows for sure, but during Watford City City Council’s July 6 meeting, council members approved a three-year lease of the 40 mineral acres that the city owns to Empire Oil Company.

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For more than 30 years, Ed Rettig has been working to keep Alexander and McKenzie County safe from fire. It’s a job that he started as a way to give back to the community. A job that has taken many hours of dedication is now giving back to him with the 2010 McKenzie County Emergency Responder of the Year award.

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Its here - the McKenzie County Fair kicks off this week with fun, food and tons of entertainment for everyone.

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Across western North Dakota, cities and counties are scrambling to come up with a way to meet growing housing needs as well as struggling to meet needed infrastructure improvements to handle growing traffic demand on state and county highway systems. In most cases, local government doesn’t have the resources to handle the problems associated with the increased growth as a result of the growing oil and gas industry. And to make matters worse, they have no idea of what the future holds in store for them in the way of continued growth.

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A huge gap in the public’s notification process of when a sexual offender moves into a community has both the residents of Watford City and the city’s law enforcement officials upset.

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After nearly 30 years as a firefighter, Harold Larson of Arnegard still enjoys serving his community and helping those in need. When Larson joined the fire department 30 years ago, he didn’t do it looking for recognition. He did it because he saw a need.

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Oil is big business in western North Dakota, and the biggest challenge continues to be moving the oil out of North Dakota. Quintana, a Houston, Texas-based company has a proposal that could ultimately help to move some of North Dakota’s oil out of the state.

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With a new date, on a slightly less busy weekend, the McKenzie County Fair is the place to be July 14 through July 17.

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There is no doubt that with the continued development of the region’s oil and gas resources, Watford City and the surrounding area is going to grow. But where is that growth going to occur and does the city have the infrastructure to handle the new growth?

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The Fourth of July is just around the corner and Arnegard will be the place to be. From the Breakfast In The Park to the fireworks at dusk, there is something for everyone and the fun lasts all day.

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A park is a wonderful asset to a community, and Watford City is fortunate to have two large community parks and several neighborhood parks for area children to visit. Kathy Klang, a resident of Watford City, has made it her mission to make one of the city’s neighborhood parks just as wonderful as the Tourist Park and the Children’s Park.

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Is it ever going to warm up? That’s been a common question around McKenzie County this spring, and now that the days have begun to get warmer, the new question is, where did all of these mosquitoes come from?

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For some, birthdays are a big deal. For others, they are just a way to mark time. For McKenzie Electric Cooperative, (MEC) its 65th Annual Meeting not only served as a birthday party for the Cooperative, it was also an opportunity for members to hear everything that is going on within the Cooperative. And there is a lot going on.

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When the McKenzie County Public School District No. 1 School Board approved an overall salary increase of six percent for the district’s ancillary staff, they thought that the raises would be satisfactory. But during the board’s meeting on Monday, June 14, they heard otherwise.

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The June Primary Election is over and residents of Watford City voted for change, with a new mayor being elected and an overwhelming “yes” vote for a new water source.

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For most residents in McKenzie County, knowing where to find a phone book or how to get their cable and internet hooked up is common knowledge. But for someone new to the community, these can be difficult tasks.

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With concerns over possible drainage problems as well as after hearing objections from neighbors, the Watford City City Council at its June 7 meeting denied a conditional use permit that would have allowed Craig Nelson to place 18 temporary work force housing units on property that he owns located north of McKenzie Building Center.

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If Senator Kent Conrad and the majority of those in attendance at last week’s Senate Budget Committee Hearing had their way, work to turn U.S. Highway 85 between Williston and Bowman into a four-lane highway would begin immediately.

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With school out for the summer, many parents have found that they are looking for things to keep their kids busy and the Watford City Park Board may have just the thing.

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June 9, 2010

Another great Relay

Once again, to no surprise, the Rugged West Relay For Life’s Relay event was a great success.

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With the June 8 Primary Election less than one week away, it’s time to make your final decisions so you can get out and vote or mail in your absentee ballot if you can’t make it to the polls.

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With new trailer parks, RV parks, businesses and subdivisions being planned around Watford City, one question remains unanswered. What is the best way for Watford City to grow?

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The month of May was National Foster Care Month, and like many counties, McKenzie County is always in need of foster parents. Becoming a foster parent is a big step, one that not everyone is ready or able to take. Fortunately, as one area group found out, becoming a foster parent isn’t the only way to help Social Services and area kids.

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ust one day after making what some considered to be a ridiculous decision, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers overturned its decision to freeze water permits from Lake Sakakawea.

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Both Alexander and Watford City schools passed Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) tests for the 2007-2008 school year. However, since then, only Alexander has been able to keep its test scores high enough to pass all areas for the 2009-2010 AYP

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The current oil boom combined with the good economy in North Dakota has given people one more reason to move to McKenzie County. Although it is always better for a city to be growing instead of shrinking, growth doesn’t come without some growing pains.

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