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County Treasurer’s office offers vehicle title service
Purchasing a vehicle is an exciting time, but waiting to receive the title to your new purchase can be a daunting task. But that daunting task is going to be much easier if you make your vehicle purchase in McKenzie County.
City police arrest two men on drug charges
Following a tip by an anonymous citizen, two men were arrested on drug charges near a Watford City business on Monday, Dec. 6.
Fire prevention is key for people living in campers this winter
With hundreds of campers in the area and lots of cold weather ahead, the Watford City Fire Department is concerned about the number of fire dangers associated with living in a camper during the winter.
Opinions mixed on city’s snow removal efforts
With more than 15 inches of snow falling in November, it’s obvious that snow removal has been on the minds of Watford City city workers as well as Watford City residents. However, the thoughts of the two groups are very different.
Choir to present Christmas cantata
The First Lutheran Choir is ready to help stir up your Christmas memories with its annual Christmas cantata, ‘Winter’s Grace,’ A Cantata for Christmas by Joseph M. Martin.
Parade of Lights was a great way to get into the holiday spirit
Once again, the Watford City Area Chamber of Commerce put on a spectacular Parade of Lights to kick off the holiday season.
Food Pantry offers help throughout the holiday season
For many people, food is something we don’t think about too much. When you or your kids are hungry, all you need to do is go to a cupboard or the fridge and there is something to eat. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for everyone.
Watford City is ready to Celebrate a Country Christmas
‘Celebrating a Country Christmas’ is the Christmas theme chosen by the Watford City Area Chamber of Commerce for this year’s holiday season and it all kicks off this weekend.
Businesses decorate Christmas trees for Boots & Bling auction
With Christmas just around the corner, many people are digging out their holiday decorations, including the dusty Christmas tree and decorations. Maybe this year is the year you’ve decided it’s time to spice things up or make a change. If so, you’ll want to make plans to attend the 2010 Boots and Bling Gala, sponsored by the Benefit Fund of the McKenzie County Healthcare Systems.
Drovdal elected N.D. Speaker of the House
After nine legislative sessions, District 39 Representative David Drovdal decided he needed a bit of a challenge to regenerate himself and his career, a challenge that could ultimately be very good for McKenzie County. After a close race, Drovdal was elected as Speaker of the North Dakota House of Representatives.
School requests bus funding from county’s Infrastructure Fund
With its existing school bus fleet wearing out faster than normal, the McKenzie County School District No. 1 school board is going to be asking the McKenzie County Board of County Commissioners to use a portion of the county’s Infrastructure Fund to purchase six new buses, as well as to provide funds to help construct a new bus storage facility.
Tying for a good cause
A toothbrush, pajamas, socks and underwear are possessions that most people take for granted. However, for abused children, the simple gift of these and other everyday necessities can make a huge difference in their life.
Keeping elderly housing affordable
In a time when housing is in high demand, most people who are thinking of selling are looking at a nice profit. But not everyone is selling to make big money.
Health care system has profitable year
While Dan Kelly, CEO of the McKenzie County Healthcare Systems may have been a little disappointed with the number of patients that the facility saw at its clinic, hospital and emergency room this year, you have to excuse him for not being too upset.
A time to remember our veterans
What is a veteran? A veteran is any person who has served in the armed forces. A veteran can be a person who has seen combat or a person who has served only in peacetime. Either way, Veterans Day is a chance for Americans to salute all of our veterans.
Hanson chosen as new McKenzie County auditor
With Frances Olson retiring as the McKenzie County Auditor, area voters elected Jodi Hayden Hanson as the new McKenzie County Auditor, a position that Olson has held for the past 20 years.
Fundraising efforts underway to build new wellness center
For her efforts in bringing awareness to health and wellness to Watford City, a group of Watford City residents have made it their goal to name the new wellness center after the late Connie Wold. The group has started the Community Campaign to Name The Connie Wold Wellness Center, a fund-raising campaign to raise $801,000 in Connie’s name.
The booming oil activity in western North Dakota has brought with it increased employment, increased tax revenue and a strong economy in the midst of a struggling U.S. economy. However, with the increase in oil activity, there has also been a multitude of challenges for local, county and state decision makers.
First snowstorm catches many off guard
Although fall snowstorms are typical for North Dakota, that first good storm always seems to be a tough one. And even though it was the second snow of the season, last week’s storm was no different.
Homeowners in Watford City are leasing mineral acres
Leasing minerals is nothing new for residents of McKenzie County. However, it is a new idea for home- owners in Watford City.
Gas plant construction awaits PSC ruling
Construction of a gas processing facility north of Watford City will have to wait until spring. That is, unless the North Dakota Public Service Commission (NDPSC) approves the company’s application quickly like Bear Paw Energy, LLC, a subsidiary of ONEOK Partners, LP is pushing for.
Watford City is bursting at the seams
As developers and individuals work to end a housing shortage in Watford City and McKenzie County, it has gotten a little difficult to determine where the city ends and the county begins. As of now, some businesses and subdivisions aren’t sure which one they will fall into either.
Voters to elect new McKenzie County Auditor
With Frances Olson not seeking re-election as the McKenzie County Auditor, area voters will be choosing between two candidates to serve as the county’s auditor during the 2010 General Election on Tuesday, Nov. 2.
Three candidates seek two seats on County Commission
McKenzie County voters will be asked to choose between three candidates to fill two seats on the McKenzie Board of County Commissioners during the 2010 General Election on Tuesday, Nov. 2. Incumbents Roger Chinn of Grassy Butte and Richard (Rick) Lawlar are being challenged by Cameron Arnegard of Arnegard.
Making it harder to fail
What can be done by teachers and school administrators to help students who are failing classes? That is a question that is not only plaguing schools across the United States, but schools in McKenzie County as well.
The race is on in District 39
Two long-term Republican members of the North Dakota House of Representatives from District 39, David “Skip” Drovdal of Arnegard and Keith Kempenich of Bowman, will be facing their first political challenge in many years during the 2010 General Election on Tuesday, Nov. 2
City approves $1.5 million deficit budget
Caught in the proverbial Catch-22 of how to keep up with the demands associated with energy development and yet keep a balanced budget, the Watford City City Council decided that budgeting to spend more money than it will take in was the best course of action for them to take.
County approves $24 million budget
The McKenzie County Commissioners have approved a budget for 2011 which represents a 52 percent increase from last year and a 9.5 percent increase over what was requested.
Gas processing plant to bring jobs to area
Like most of western North Dakota, the McKenzie County skyline is dotted with gas flares, something that most people associate with an active oil well. However, a gas flare means a lot more than just a well sight.