Latest News
County leads state in oil production
McKenzie County leads state in production of natural gas
City, county leaders devastated by Senate cuts
Hope is that $417 million for oil-impacted ambulances, law enforcement, city and county will be restored
Spring not here yet!
Storm dumps upward of 14” of snow across portions of McKenzie County
City prods electric suppliers to reach service agreement
MDU, McKenzie Electric have until April 24 to create area service agreement
Foundation to funnel donations to school district
Watford City High School Alumni Scholarship Fund and the North Dakota Community Foundation to funnel donations to school district
County leads state in traffic fatalities
Nine people have died in vehicle accidents since beginning of the year
Watford third grader is city’s “Mayor for a Day”
Being the mayor of Watford City is not easy for many reasons. But perhaps the job would be easier without the constraints of adult life and adult rules.
Funding, roads top forum topics
Taking care of the immediate needs of the state, as well as providing additional state funding for oil-impacted counties in northwestern North Dakota are the two main issues facing the North Dakota Legislature this session.
Dealing with tons of trash
County landfill sees collections jump from 20 tons/day to 350 tons/day
Doing more with less
Use of pad wells allow oil companies to drill more wells with fewer rigs
Fire site closed due to possible contamination
State finds cyanide present at site
County zone plan approved
New zoning ordinances will become effective April 26
With property values escalating in Watford City so are taxable valuations
New Census numbers don’t tell us much
City, county officials say lag in data results in misleading numbers
Fire destroys business
A structure fire at Steve’s Sprayfoam Insulation, located at the junction of 12th Street Southeast and 11th Avenue Southeast, caused quite a scene on the morning of Tuesday, March 12.
Rankin resigns as sheriff
Effective July 1, 2013, Ron Rankin will officially retire as McKenzie County Sheriff and bring to a close his long career in the field of law enforcement.
Squeezing in one more classroom
With the number of projected students entering the Watford City Elementary School hitting the highest numbers in recent history, the McKenzie County School District No. 1 school board has decided that it has to try to squeeze one more classroom into a new addition that is scheduled to open this fall.
Mega-producers spark interest in Banks Field
McKenzie County wells that are producing nearly 5,000 barrels a day have industry excited
City tells MDU, McKenzie Electric to work together
Electric utilities told to provide city with service area map
Two Watford City teenagers were killed and a third teenager was severely injured in a two-vehicle accident that occurred at 1:04 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3 west of Watford City on U.S. Highway 85.
Council: Time is not right for golf course expansion
The plans for a nine-hole expansion of the Fox Hills Golf Course & Country Club in Watford City that would use a PILOT (payment in lieu of tax) program to pay for the expansion ran into some serious concerns from members of the Watford City City Council at last Monday’s city council meeting.
Oppidan breaks ground on $20 million development
Cash Wise Grocery, Alco, chinese buffet to anchor new retail complex
Post Office hires more staff to improve service
Customers see improvement in service
Christian Academy finishes remodeling
Five months after semi smashed into the school, students return to new classrooms
Students get ready to move into new school
Elementary students to be bussed to high school for lunch
Making Watford a better place
Roughrider Fund is pouring millions of dollars into community projects
Residents want U.S. 85 bypass west of Alexander
Route of U.S. 85 around Alexander to become part of four-lane highway from Williston to Watford City