September 27, 2017

Commissioners budget for new county coordinator

By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer

For several months, the proposal to add a county coordinator position to the courthouse payroll has been on the county commissioner’s minds and agendas. With voices weighing in on both sides of lengthy discussions, last week a decision was made moving the position one step closer to becoming a reality.
At the Sept. 19 county commission budget meeting, the position of county coordinator was added to the county budget. The position is classified at the D 62, step 1 level with a salary of $79,429. Including the benefits that go along with the county coordinator position, the budget reflects the total cost for the county at $119,057.
“We still need to come up with a strategy and job description, where we think this person can help out,” said Commissioner Doug Nordby. “But, we will put it in the budget for now so we have the ability to iron out details and come to an agreement later.”

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